E-commerce Transformation: From Frustration to Seamless Shopping

SideTrak, a rapidly expanding e-commerce business specializing in innovative productivity solutions, partnered with FosterUI to revitalize its Shopify store. The goal was to overcome the limitations of its existing site and create a high-performing platform that matched its brand quality and provided a delightful customer experience.

Client Background

SideTrak is an innovative company known for its unique portable monitor solutions. As its customer base expanded, its Shopify store faced challenges in keeping up with the growth. Still, these obstacles were opportunities for improvement that paved the way for its ongoing online success.


SideTrak's Shopify store faced multiple issues that impacted both the customer experience and the company's ability to analyze and optimize its performance:

  • Slow Page Load Times: After our improvements, customers were delighted by the fast and responsive website, which resulted in lower bounce rates and increased sales opportunities.
  • Inaccurate Analytics: We updated Google Analytics tracking, enabling the company to gather precise customer behavior and website performance data.
  • Cluttered Product Presentation: The product pages needed to be more organized and effectively showcase SideTrak's products' unique features.


FosterUI implemented a comprehensive Shopify store overhaul, addressing each of the challenges identified:

  • Performance Boost: We optimized code, images, and overall site structure, resulting in a remarkable 96% reduction in page load times.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: We fixed the broken Google Analytics tracking, providing SideTrak with accurate data for their decision-making and marketing strategies.
  • Customizations That Convert: We redesigned product pages with clear tabs, a more prominent "Add to Cart" button, and other conversion-focused enhancements.
  • Enhanced User Experience: We streamlined the entire shopping journey, from navigation to checkout, creating a more intuitive and enjoyable customer experience.
  • Empowering the Team: We simplified collection management and implemented a user-friendly system for updating video content, freeing up valuable time and resources for SideTrak's team.
  • Performance report before optimizations

    Before Speed Optimization

  • Performance report after optimizations

    After Speed Optimization

The impact of the Shopify transformation was immediate and significant:

  • Increased Engagement: The improved speed and user experience encouraged customers to spend more time on the site and explore a wider range of products.
  • Higher Conversions & Sales: The optimized design and functionality led to higher conversion rates and a substantial increase in overall sales.
  • Empowered Team: The simplified backend allowed the SideTrak team to focus on their core business activities, knowing their online store was in top shape.


FosterUI's expertise in Shopify development transformed SideTrak's online store into a better user experience for its customers. The data-driven approach, focus on user experience, and technical optimization led to tangible results that exceeded the client's expectations.
This case study demonstrates FosterUI's ability to revitalize e-commerce stores, providing the speed, functionality, and user-centric design necessary to drive growth and success in the competitive online marketplace.

Contact us today for a free consultation to see how we can help your business thrive on Shopify!